
What is needed for? is a web-site, where you can test the speed of Your connection with the Internet and take advantage of various utilities and programs for the Internet connection verification. Most important, that You will be able to do it all absolutely for free and on one site, without losing time on the search of utilities and their setting.

What could be the reason for a low speed of connection with the Internet?

For the greater accuracy of ping test make sure that Your computer is not using the internet connection for other aims, You have to halt the load of files through torrent or other programs, temporally disconnect internet-television or radio, close other book-marks in Your Internet-browser, halt or wait till completion of demanding tasks. A speed of Your Internet connection depends not only on the width of the given Internet channel but also on the productivity of Your computer!

How to check up the speed of connection with the Internet?

Choose a point «Speedtest», whereupon you must push the button «Begin Test», which is in the central part of the page. Further, the test of speed verification must begin for upload and download, which can take some time. The result of download speed is on the left, and the result of upload speed can be seen from a right side. After completion of the test you can repeatedly test Your Internet connection, pushing the button «Restart Test».

What to do, if there is a low speed of upload and download?

If You have a low speed of connection, the «Contact with a technical department» button must appear after completion of the test. After its pressure there will appear a form, where it is necessary to fill all the fields, and in the «Comment» field you can ask a question You are interested in, and to push the «Send» button. However, if you by chance skipped one of the fields of input or entered incorrect information, a warning message will appear at the right side of this field. For example, if you entered the address of e-mail without @ character, then from a right side of the field there would instantly appear a message "Please enter and valid email address". Your question/request will be considered in the nearest time accordingly.

What a traceroute option is needed for?

traceroute is intended for determination of the routes of information following in the networks of TCP/IP. Pushing the button «Go», you will be able to see the implementation of dispatch of information to the indicated knot of network below (in the Traceroute results section). For all that the information about all intermediate routers through which data has got on a way to the purpose knot is represented.

What does a tracepath option do?

tracepath is intended for watching of way of a package passing to the set knot with the output of information about maximal sizes of the package during all route. After pressure on the «Go» button, you will see the results of its action below in the Tracepath results section.

What does a ping option allow to do?

The Ping option is needed for verification of connections in networks on the basis of TCP/IP. Specify in the field «Domain name or IP» the name of a site, for example, or accordingly, and additionally in the field of Ping count enter the amount of the sent packages of information and push the «Go» button.

What the dig option is needed for?

Dig («domain information groper») allows you to set the different types of request and inquire arbitrarily specified servers. In the «Domain name or IP» field specify the internet address, for example, or accordingly, and additionally in the "Dig options" field choose a type of records, which you want to see for the host entered by you. To see the results, push the «Go» button and look at output information below, in the Dig results section.

Why is the nslookup option useful?

Choosing nslookup (name server lookup) and specifying in the «Domain or IP» field the certain name of web-resource, for example, or accordingly, you will be able to set different types of requests and to inquire arbitrarily the specified server. is a possibility to look over the DNS-record of a concrete server, to check up its capacity is also very important. Push the «Go» button to see the results which will be shown out below.

What is WHOIS?

WHOIS option is a network protocol of application layer, based on TCP (port 43) protocol. Basic application is a receipt of information of registrations about the proprietors of the domain names, IP-addresses and off-line systems. There is «Domain name or IP» field where You must enter the name of site, for example, or accordingly and push the «Go» button, whereupon the results of request will be represented at the bottom of the screen.